[00:00.0] ### The Highest Blessings [00:00.1] ##### <i>from Amarvati Buddhist Monastery</i> <hr /> [00:00.6] [ _Thus_ have I _heard_ that the Bl`essed One ] [00:06.1] Was staying at S^āv`atthī, [00:10.9] _Residing_ at the Jeta’s Grove [00:14.50] In Anāthap^iṇḍik`a’s Park. [00:18.1] _Then_ in the dark of the night, a r^adi`ant d`eva [00:23.6] Illuminated _all_ J^et`a’s Grove. [00:27.4] She bowed down low before the Bl`essed One [00:32.3] Then standing to one s^ide sh`e said: [00:35.9] ‘Devas are concerned for h^appiness [00:39.9] And ever l^ong f`or peace. [00:43.1] The same is true for h^umankind. [00:47.0] What _then_ are the h^ighest bl`essings?’ [00:50.5] ‘`Av`oiding those of fo`olish ways, [00:54.4] `Ass`ociating w^ith th`e wise, [00:57.0] And h`onouring those w^orthy of h`onour. [01:01.5] _These_ are the h^ighest bl`essings. [01:04.9] ‘L`iving in places of suitable kinds, [01:08.8] With the fru`its of past go`od deeds [01:12.3] `And gu`ided by the r^ightf`ul way. [01:15.4] _These_ are the h^ighest bl`essings. [01:18.8] ‘Acc`omplished in l`earn`ing `and cr`aftsman’s skills, [01:22.9] With d`iscipline, high`ly trained, [01:26.2] And _speech_ that is true and pl^easant t`o hear. [01:30.9] _These_ are the h^ighest bl`essings. [01:34.0] ‘Prov`iding for mother and father’s support [01:38.6] And ch^erishing family, [01:41.1] And ways of work that h^arm n`o being, [01:44.9] _These_ are the h^ighest bl`essings. [01:48.6] Giving with Dh`amma in the heart [01:51.6] Offering help to r^elat`ives and kin, [01:55.4] And acting in ways that l^eave n`o blame. [01:59.3] _These_ are the h^ighest bl`essings. [02:02.5] ‘Steadfast in r`estraint, and shunning ^evil ways, [02:07.3] Av`oiding int^oxicants that d`ull the mind, [02:11.2] And heedf`ulness in all things th^at arise. [02:15.6] _These_ are the h^ighest bl`essings. [02:19.0] ‘Resp`ectfulness and of humble ways, [02:22.5] Contentment and gr^atitude, [02:25.4] And hearing the Dh`amma fr^equent`ly taught. [02:29.5] _These_ are the h^ighest bl`essings. [02:32.8] ‘Patience and wil`lingness to accept one’s faults, [02:36.8] Seeing venerated s^eekers of th`e truth, [02:40.9] And sharing `often the w^ords of Dh`amma. [02:44.8] _These_ are the h^ighest bl`essings. [02:48.3] ‘The h`oly life, lived with ardent effort, [02:52.1] Seeing for ones^elf the Nobl`e Truths [02:56.0] And the realization of Nibb`āna. [02:59.6] _These_ are the h^ighest bl`essings. [03:02.8] ‘Although involved in worldly ways, [03:06.3] Unsh`aken the m^ind `remains [03:09.6] And beyond all s`orrow, sp^otless, s`ecure. [03:13.8] _These_ are the h^ighest bl`essings. [03:16.8] ‘Th`ey who _live_ by f`ollowing this path [03:20.6] Know v`ictory wh^erever th`ey go, [03:24.0] And every _place_ for them `is safe. [03:27.6] _These_ are the h^ighest bl`essings.’ <br />