[00:00.0] ### Karaṇīya Mettā Sutta (Eng.) [00:01.0] #### The Discourse on Goodwill [00:02.0] #####from the Abhayagiri Forest Monastery [00:01.0] [ This is what should b`e done ] [00:05.0] By one wh`o is sk^illed in g`oodness [00:10.30] And who knows the p`ath of peace: [00:14.10] Let them b`e able and ^upright, [00:18.0] Str`aightforward and gentl^e `in speech, [00:21.25] Humble and not conc`eited, [00:25.0] C`ontented and ^easily s`atisfied, [00:29.0] Unburdened with d`uties and frugal ^in th`eir ways. [00:35.0] Peaceful and calm, `and wise and sk^illful, [00:40.0] N`ot proud and dem^anding in n`ature. [00:44.0] Let them _not_ d`o the sl^ight`est thing [00:47.40] That th`e wise would lat^er r`eprove, [00:52.0] Wishing: In gladness `and in s^afety, [00:56.0] May `all beings b^e `at ease. [00:59.40] Whatever liv`ing beings there m`ay be, [01:04.0] Whether th`ey are w^eak `or strong, om`itting none, [01:09.0] The great or the m`ighty, medium, sh^ort, `or small, [01:15.0] The seen and the `unseen, [01:18.30] Those living near and f^ar `away, [01:22.0] Those born and t`o b^e born, [01:25.0] May `all beings b^e `at ease. [01:29.0] Let none dec``eive `an`other [01:32.20] Or d`espise a`ny being in ^a`ny state. [01:36.15] Let n_o_ne through anger or `ill-will [01:40.20] Wish h^arm upon an`other. [01:43.20] Even as `a moth_e_r protects with h`er life [01:48.20] Her child, her `onl^y child, [01:52.0] S_o_ with a b^oundless heart [01:54.30] Should `one cherish all l^iv`ing beings, [01:58.0] Radiating k^indn_ess_ over th`e ent^ir`e world: [02:03.40] Spreading upwards to the sk^ies [02:06.40] And d`ownw`ards t`o th^e depths, [02:09.30] Outwards and unb`ounded, [02:11.40] Fr`eed from h^atr^ed and `ill-will. [02:15.0] Whether standing or w`alking, seated or l^y`ing down, [02:20.20] Free from dr`owsiness, [02:23.0] One should s`ustain this r`ecoll^ection. [02:26.25] This is said t`o b_e_ th`e subl^ime ab`iding. [02:31.0] By not holding to f`ixed views, [02:34.30] Th`e pure-h^eart`ed one, having clarity of v`ision, [02:40.15] Being freed fr`om all s^ense-desires, [02:44.0] Is not b^orn ^again int`o this world.